Globalpark® has started first children’s playground parks in 1999 It was only producing Children’s playground Group production at the beginning. However, Globalpark® was not content with its success in childrens playground groups and started productionof urban furnitures,trash cans,rubber flooring to provide that high quality service understanding fort he other products in the sector and to present better quality products to the sector.
All productions related with the Children’s Playground Groups are in conformity with the European Playground Equipment Standards(En 1176) anda re produced by taking into account the safety of children and robustness of the materials with priority based on the production philosophy of Globalpark®
Research-Development; the goal and principle of Globalpark® is to conduct new researches and to produce new solutions,new designs and new model continuously.
High Quality Production; Priority is give in the production process to ensure that all materials selected in the production phase are in conformity with standards and that each and every material from selection of raw materials to paint chemicals have superior quality in terms of safety and robustness.
Functionality and Esthetics; Visual and functional compliance of the products to be produced with the environment is important for Globalpark®’in the design and production process.
With the Forms follows function concept our design team conceive products. Periodical maintenance is realized so as to ensure that parks, assembly by a specialist team, remain new and functional at all times, to maintain said features.
In summary; we would like tos hare the feeling of trust and quality that we feel when see our own children play and have fun with safety at the parks that we produce or when we see a trash can or bench with Globalpark® brand in the most beautiful areas of the city.
We take care children seriously
And we respect them.